Administrative Support Staff Track

Administrative Support Staff Track

Session Title Description
How to make your role on the Admission team critical in developing successful relationships with other Departments / school divisions You are front and center for the Admission team. Having positive relationships with other departments / divisions in the school is key to successfully reaching team goals. We will talk about how you can enhance those school-wide relationships, while engaging others to be involved as resources in the admission process.
Why it is essential for support staff to understand the operational aspects of the admission office.
Knowing how the office runs is essential for a smooth cycle. When things get busy (and you know they will) knowing who, what, where and how things get done helps to keep the office run efficiently and less stressful during the busiest of times.
Making Admissions Your Career-What you need to know to make a difference as an admission team member
What are your career goals in admission?  Are you well matched with your roll in admission? Support Staff to Office Manager to Officer or further.
Understanding the "back office" and why this needs to be "front of mind" 
Why it is critical to the success of the admission process to communicate and understand the basic operations to be able to work as a team to complete applications and fill your school.
July to June - How to plan and manage your team's admission calendar
We will discuss how to plan your admission season from day ONE and how to manage the calendar throughout the year.  We will share systems to put in place that help the team stay on track!
Points of Communication: Keeping everyone on the same page
How support staff can make the difference; keeping the lines of communication open; training of database; emails to staff and families; dates and deadlines; details to make the office run smooth and align with other departments through communication.
Understanding  the Key components of the Admission Process so you can most effectively assist in the success of the season
Every school has similar goals and crucial steps in the process. We will discuss these common elements and how by understanding them, support staff can bring greater value to the admission process.  The better the understanding, the smoother and more successful the admission season.  
Admission Support: Building your in-house Ambassador base
Sharing ideas on how you as support staff can develop programs that benefit your Admission Director by utilizing your faculty, students and current parents to enhance the applicant's admission experience.  These wonderful resources can be engaged and trained to make the difference in your school being the top choice of an applicant! 
Round Table Discussion - "What are your pain points as support staff?"
Join us as we explore key stress factors common to support staff.  As a group, we will discuss alternative approaches that have worked for us, as well as share ideas and potential solutions.
Support Staff and Admission Events
Do your admission events best represent your school? What can you do to make these events run smooth to help your Directors represent the school the best they can.