Experienced Professionals Track

Experienced Professionals Track

Session Title Description
Managing the Modern Day Admission Office: specific strategies for managing, inspiring, retaining and (sometimes) moving along millennials, coaches, diversity recruiters and seasoned school lifers, who all have Admissions in their title   How is leading an Admission team in a school different than coaching a soccer team or leading a corporate staff? What leadership and management consideration should be accounted for in an atmosphere where faculty and staff engage in an office setting whether the “product” is a child’s education and the consumer is a parent? It’s just different. Find out why and how… ways to consider leading and managing an office that has to deliver in this atmosphere. 
State of the Union in Independent School Admission
News from peer associations; What's new on the professional landscape and the work of other professional organizations & and update on the Character Skills Assessment
Using data to develop new markets and to develop effective benchmarking in order to enhance your enrollment.
How do we identify new markets and what does the prospective new family look like for your school?  We will look at ways to determine where and how to find prospective families. This session has been an attendee favorite- filled with details, data and takeaways. 
International Students in US Independent Schools
What's the latest in international recruitment and how do we manage this moving forward? 
Strategic issues and attest trends in FA  
Financial aid isn’t what it used to be.  Together, let’s take a look at some national school trends in financial aid and enrollment management and see how financial aid has changed over time and recently.  Then we will discuss how the information from these trends could help you strengthen your school’s enrollment management strategy.
Boosting Lower School Inquiries, Applicants, and Enrollment
What works and what doesn’t?
Understanding how the business of the school runs 
The nitty gritty of the finance and operations & all things on the money side of independent schools 
Improving your persuasive communication skills 
Communication is KEY. Learn tips and innovative ideas to improve how we communicate. 
Constructing and Implementing your tour guide programs 
How to get the most out of your tour guide programs and use this not just as a time filler, but a way to seal the deal. 
Current Regional Data: What's Happening in your Region? 
 A Review of Specific Regional Admission and Demographic Trends
What Consultants Really Want: A Guide to Hosting a Consultant Visit to Your School 
A summary of what she learned when her query to the AISAP Exchange resulted in overwhelming interest and feedback 
Implementing the Board's Post-Recession Wish List
How One PK-9 Day and Boarding School Grew Enrollment, Became More Selective, and Achieved a Higher Yield