Midlevel Professionals Track

Midlevel Professionals Track

Session Title Description
What can we learn from Higher Ed? Learn from colleagues in admissions what trends they see and how we might learn from them and also learn what they would like to see from us.
DOA and HOS Partnership, How to advance admissions to top level leadership position  
Admission professionals roles vary, but it is increasingly important to have a voice at the table. In this session you will learn from people who have worked with their HOS to see that the work of admissions is a school wide responsibility and one that the director needs to be accountable for to trustees, faculty and staff.
When do you know you are ready for directorship? 
You have been in admissions for 3-7 years and you are considering next steps. What do you need to know, what factors should you consider and how to set yourself apart in the process.
Best Practices-Senior Directors share what grounds their teams (what do you need to know to inspire and group your team together: the three commandments)
In this session a team of senior admission professionals will share the AISAP best practices that are key principles and case studies that challenged them. Be prepared to bring your challenges and cases along for a round table discussion
The intersection of admissions; the art and science
It is never simple, there are quantitative measures, qualitative skills, how to craft a class; your role as a mid-year professional.
Today's Hot Topic
With the preeminent concern of balance, well-being, and overall health in independent schools and in higher education today, how do we best communicate our stories and refocus parents on the benefits of independent school education?
Fast Forward Admissions 2026 
As you are mid-career and looking at where you want to be in your career, let's look at where our industry should be in ten years. What are our hopes and dreams for how our roles in schools will develop, how our offices should operate for best practices in a perfect world, and can we project our enrollment/retention issues out a few years? Roundtable discussion. 
Is Net Tuition Revenue still Relevant? 
Bring in a few perspectives here. There could be a really interesting panel discussion about how it has worked and where it has not; pitfalls to watch out for 
Take your career to the next level by deepening your leadership role and potential
This session is ideal for people who have been in their position for a few years or more and are looking to find new challenge and fulfillment in their role. We will share in a roundtable format how we are working to transform ourselves in our roles as leaders in our field and how we sustain our interest in the annual admissions cycle. 
Ethical Behavior and Best Practices for Admission Professionals: Putting words into actions
This interactive session will review the process of developing AISAP’s Principles of Good Practice. We will highlight and discuss important themes of the document. From this we will work in groups to create possible case studies of admission/enrollment management issues that will serve to provide concrete examples and bring the document to life. Come to this session with “issues” you may have encountered in your role as admission professional.
Different climates in different schools 
How do you know what to look for when starting a position at a new school and how do you best manage new relationships to set yourself up for success from day one. 
Day School Student Host Program: Leverage your student body to maximize prospective student experiences on visit days. Here is a guide to managing, training, and assessing student involvement in the recruiting season.  
If you are responsible for overseeing students ambassador or host programs, here is a guide to training.
Increasing tuition; increasing value? 
As tuition continues to outpace earning benchmarks, it is more complicated to market/communicate the value of our schools. Specifically in a culture when parents do not want to have their child disappointed by the decision. How do you balance fear of failure, value, and cost in this market?