ONLINE COURSE | Practical and Tactical--Class 3: Properly Reviewing Financial Aid Applications

When:  Oct 15, 2019 from 03:00 PM to 04:00 PM (ET)

We are asking parents deeply detailed questions about areas of their life/finances that they may not see but once a year. We ask them to give us this info either before the year ends or right after the new year begins. This leaves much room for error. Some errors are easily fixed by taxes but others require our intervention. How do you review folders effectively, efficiently and not need to review them 5 times.

What will the class cover?
How to do your first review of a financial aid folder, what is complete look like and what to be on the lookout for to ensure a huge mistake isn’t caught, how are we dealing with divorced/separated parents?

What are the learning objectives?
Learning how to review a financial aid folder, before, during and after you have all the required documents/materials. If I have 5 minutes to review a folder, 10 minutes, 1 hour. What can you do to ensure you catch the big stuff!

Take-aways from this class:
With limited time, expertise, how can you efficiently review financial aid folders without having to go into them 5 times over the course of the season. Knowing when you are comfortable with the number and always using the same protocols so you are consistent all the time. Outliers should be out of the ordinary in your adjustments.

Resources that will be distributed:
File review checklist, common errors to quickly identify and fix sheet.

Assignment for next class:
Share an example of a folder that you made a fix to that majorly changed the capacity to pay. Had you not caught it, you would have likely over awarded.


Online Instructions:
Event Image


Debby Murphy