Puzzled by Financial Aid? Get the training you need this fall to ensure fair and equitable aid decisions.
October 25th 9 – 7 pm (includes reception & dinner) and October 26th (8 am – 10:30 am) in Andover, MA at Phillips Academy
There’s never been a more important time for schools to focus on educational access, affordability and fostering a diverse and inclusive community where the essential value of every individual is honored.
At the Annual AISAP Financial Aid Summit, you’ll find an interactive, hands-on experience that’s far more in-depth than a typical breakout session or pre-conference event. Simply put, this is the training you need this fall to be empowered as a professional and ensure fair and equitable financial aid decisions.
This year’s agenda will focus will center on training and real-life scenarios where leadership, vision, and strategic objectives will meet daily operational and tactical results. Where can we find the joy in this work and where can our leadership as professionals truly make an impact.