Faria Education




Contact Information:

Mailing Address:
121 SW Salmon Street
Suite 1200
Portland, OR 97204

Phone (toll free):  866-297-7022

Website:   https://www.fariaedu.com/

What’s in a name?

Faria is named in honour of Abbe Faria in Alexandre Dumas’ The Count of Monte Cristo, who provides Dantes with an interdisciplinary education and instills in him a spirit of resourcefulness.


Faria was founded in 2006 to transition schools off paper onto a curriculum-focused learning platform. Today, Faria provides a suite of 3 services to over 10,000 schools and 3,000,000 students with a global team of 136 in 8 offices.


Faria Education Group was reorganized on Aug 1, 2016 to reflect our future focus as an international education service & systems company. FEG is an operating subsidiary of Faria Frontiers Ltd.
