CEC Approved Provider Program


CEC Approved Provider Program

A Certified Education Credit (CEC) Approved Provider is an organization that provides professional education and formally registers with AISAP to track and adheres to the constructs of the AISAP Learning and 
Development Framework©. In so doing, these organizations are supporting individuals as they track their entire professional development journey. CEC Approved Providers have received guidance on the AISAP Learning and Development Framework® and pledged to represent course eligibility for CEC credit accurately.

When selecting a CEC-eligible course from a CEC Approved Provider, professionals can be confident that the course will be recognized for CEC credit as advertised.

Applications to become a CEC Approved Provider will be accepted and reviewed four times a year, in January, April, July, September. Contact Janice Crampton, AISAP Executive Director|CEO at 203-421-7051 or janice@aisap.org for more information.

CEC Approved Provider Program Guidelines and Application 

Becoming a CEC Approved Provider reflects an organization’s commitment to providing continuing education that helps admission and enrollment management professionals in their professional and career development. An organization will be included in a list of CEC Approved Providers on the AISAP website and will receive a link to the CEC-applicable course page. Admission and Enrollment Management professionals will be encouraged to look for CEC Approved Providers when selecting professional development programming.

The CEC Approved Provider program was established in response to requests from Admission and Enrollment Management Professionals for a more precise system to identify courses that move and elevate the profession and are aligned with the AISAP Learning and Development Framework©. Furthermore, as AISAP continues to serve as a resource and a repository of resources for the profession, coupled with our recent launch of certification (CAEP©) and plans for credentialing, AISAP acknowledges that learning opportunities are available and essential from many resources. The specific aspects of the program were designed with full consideration of National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) Standards for the Accreditation of Certification Programs and modeled after similar programs offered by other NCCA accredited credentialing programs.

By submitting this application, the organization will seek to provide training, education, and development which meets or exceeds best practice standards and agrees to communicate course eligibility for CEC accurately.

CEC Credit Eligibility Criteria for Approved Providers 

To be eligible for CEC credit, courses must be directly related and align with AISAP’s Learning and Development Framework topics. All courses will be vetted through AISAP’s Learning and Education Office.  A course may receive full or partial credit for its curriculum based on its adherence to and the inclusion of the elements of the Learning and Development Framework©.

Courses (including face-to-face, audio/video conference, and instructor-led online delivery) earn CEC credit for actual clock time of education up to a maximum of 8 CEC credits per day. Example: 1 hour of education equals 1.0 CEC credits. Determination of CEC eligibility does not imply endorsement, accreditation, or assessment of education quality by AISAP.

The following are not eligible to earn CEC credit: 

  • General software/training courses. 
  • Expo hall hours
  • Staff-to-staff education 
  • Networking receptions 
  • Breaks between educational sessions 
  • Product-specific promotional courses or training

CEC Approved Provider FAQs

What is a CEC Approved Provider?

A CEC Approved Provider is an organization that offers programming that is eligible for CEC credit. When selecting a CEC eligible course from a CEC Approved Provider, you can be confident that the course will be recognized for CEC credit as advertised.

What is required for an organization to become a CEC Approved Provider?

Organizations wishing to become a CEC Approved Provider must pledge to provide training which meets or exceeds the AISAP Learning and Development Framework©, and agrees to communicate course eligibility for credit accurately. Also, CEC Approved Providers must maintain the necessary records to support the use of coursework toward CEC applications.

Where can I find a list of CEC Approved Providers?

The list of CEC Approved Providers appears on the AISAP website and includes direct links to more information about the providers’ qualifying courses.

What information do CEC Approved Providers receive from AISAP?

All CEC Approved Providers receive the AISAP Learning and Development Framework®.  CEC Approved Providers receive clear guidelines on what qualifies for CEC credits and how to accurately represent the CEC eligibility of their courses. After courses are qualified/approved, the organization will receive notice for posting on websites, brochures, emails, or any other form of communication.  The organization will be approved to use the CEC logo on courses, and the organization will have its name and courses listed on the AISAP website. 

Are all programs offered by CEC Approved Providers eligible for CEC credit?

Not necessarily. The AISAP Learning and Development Framework© has established specific standards. CEC Approved Providers are aware of these standards. While not all programs offered by a CEC Approved Provider may meet these standards, CEC Approved Providers will display a web sticker next to courses that meet the criteria for CEC credit. Some courses may receive partial credit depending on its application.

Do all of my application or renewal credits for certification (CAEP) or credentialing (launch 2019) have to come from CEC Approved Providers or AISAP?

Yes. As AISAP seeks to be as inclusive as possible, any course which meets the AISAP Learning and Development Framework© standards as determined after review by AISAP staff may be utilized toward meeting your CEC application requirements. Yet, to ensure that the professional development work you are involving yourself in is appropriate for CEC acknowledgment to notify your provider of AISAP's CEC Approved Provider's opportunity prior to your participation. Please contact AISAP at 203-421-7051. Specific instruction and criteria will be provided for consideration.  AISAP does not guarantee CECs for courses that are not pre-approved.

Why did AISAP establish a CEC Approved Provider program?

The CEC Approved Provider program is established in response to requests from professionals for a clearer system to identify courses that align with the AISAP Learning and Development Framework©, as well as requests from course providers seeking a way to determine alignment with the AISAP Learning and Development Framework©. Furthermore, AISAP’s primary mission is to Educate, Elevate, and Empower those in the profession as well as to promote the importance of professional development within our industry. The specific aspects of the program are designed with full consideration of the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) Standards for the Accreditation of Certification Programs are modeled after similar programs offered by other NCCA Accredited credentialing programs.

CEC Approved Provider FAQs for Course Sponsors

Becoming a CEC Approved Provider reflects an organization’s commitment to providing education that helps admission and enrollment management professionals in their professional and career development. An organization will be included in a list of CEC Approved Providers on the AISAP website and will receive a link to your CEC applicable course page. Admission and Enrollment Management Professionals will be encouraged to look for CEC Approved Providers when selecting professional development programming. What's involved?

As a CEC Approved Provider, you will know the appropriate standards to ensure that your course offerings will be accepted for CEC credit. You will receive suggested verbiage, a web logo, and support to ensure that your participants can efficiently and properly receive CEC credit.

What makes a course eligible for CEC credit?

To be eligible for CEC credit, courses must be directly related to admission and enrollment management professional behaviors and competencies as defined by the AISAP Learning and Development Framework©.

What information on approved programs and attendance do we (the provider) need to maintain?

The CEC Approved Provider has several options. The Approved Provider may send a list of attendees who have requested that their attendance is shared with AISAP, the program description, date, number of CEC credits, and presenters. Alternately professionals can submit their attendance at CEC Approved Provider events through the submission of invoice submission and participation confirmation. AISAP will keep this information for five years. Providers should be able to provide participants with a letter confirming participation (for example an invoice or confirmation of attendance/registration).

How do I become a CEC Approved Provider?

Applications to become a CEC Approved Provider will be accepted and reviewed upon receipt of an organization’s application. Contact AISAP at 203-421-7051 or coordinator@aisap.org for more information.