Learning and Development Framework


An Introduction to the Learning & Development Professional Framework©

AISAP is dedicated to your development as an Admission and Enrollment Management (A&EM) professional. Therefore, education is a cornerstone of all we do at AISAP. And as with any cornerstone, it is set to begin the layout of a structure and to mark the occasion of that work. We introduce that structure in the Learning & Development Professional Framework. All educational offerings will be linked in some manner to the Framework.

The Framework is comprised of four key areas:L_D_page.jpeg

Mission & Demographic Perspective
Identify the type of educational institution and geographic area served.

Professional Competencies
Describe the 13 competencies from which the A&EM professional employs.

Performance Behaviors
Explain the actions and activities the A&EM professional uses to carry out his or her work.

A Community of Practice
Offer support and education for all who share our passion for the profession and want to continuously learn how to do it better.

