Patrick J. Schuermann is a research assistant professor of educational leadership and public policy at Peabody College of Vanderbilt University. Patrick has authored numerous articles, commissioned reports, briefs and books on topics pertinent to education leadership and teacher development.
Patrick served as the founding co-editor of the Oxford Encyclopedia of Education Online. Patrick developed and directs the new Master’s in Independent School Leadership program at Peabody College. For the past three years, Patrick has served as the director of Vanderbilt’s Abu Dhabi Leadership Development project, and is currently the Director of the Tennessee / Shanghai shared leadership initiative and is a member of the Gates Foundation funded project assessing the ways principals use teacher effectiveness data to make critical human capital decisions.
For 5 years, Patrick served as the policy director and director of technical assistance for the federally funded Center for Educator Compensation Reform (CECR), the comprehensive assistance center for Department of Education’s Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF) grant. In this capacity, Patrick coordinated support to the TIF sites in domains such as communication planning, data quality, the evaluation of teachers and principals, utilizing value-added measurement to assess teacher and school effectiveness, the alignment of professional development to performance award programs, and fiscal and programmatic sustainability. Patrick lead a team of content and technology experts providing professional development seminars and online materials for 250+ districts participating in the District Award for Teacher Excellence (DATE) program in Texas. He developed and serves as the faculty chair for four of the Leadership Institutes at Peabody College, and currently works with AISAP on the Legacy Leaders segment of the AISAP annual conference.
For several years, Patrick worked in conjunction with the Leadership Development Center at Vanderbilt University on several professional development initiatives for local and state education leaders. Previously a teacher, tutor, coach and leader at the elementary, middle and high school levels, Patrick holds BS and MA degrees from Furman University and a Doctorate in education leadership and public policy from Vanderbilt University.