January 2025 Conversations with Colleagues: All Things Financial Aid

When:  Jan 13, 2025 from 03:00 PM to 04:00 PM (ET)

This webinar is only available to AISAP Members.

To Register, please click Rates and Deadlines above. If you're not signed in, you'll be asked to log in and brought back to this page. Then click Registration above.  Thank you!

During these monthly “Conversations with Colleagues,” AISAP members come together to share ideas and learn from one another. This month, we're hosting a discussion on a number of financial aid issues. This is meant to be a free flowing, open conversation between admission and enrollment professionals and not a structured webinar.

Notes for Conversations with Colleagues

  • Once you click the REGISTER button on the website, you are confirmed for this event.
  • A confirmation email and reminder emails will be sent from Zoom with the link to attend.
  • Space is limited for this event, please register early.
  • This event is for AISAP school members only.
  • This is a live event and will not be recorded.
  • Your registration is non-transferable. Please ask additional staff to register separately.

$0 for AISAP members

Join now and register at the no-cost member rate!


Online Instructions: