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Setting the Stage: The Art of Authentic School Tours

By Claire Vaughn posted 09-21-2023 04:59 PM


Enrollment management is a dance of purpose, promise, and experience. As admission professionals, we stand on the front lines of portraying our schools authentically. The school tour, the moment where families immerse in the ecosystem of your school, plays a pivotal role in setting expectations. Today, we delve into the importance of providing an authentic tour, laying emphasis on transparency and honesty.

The Authentic School Tour: A Mirror, Not a Billboard

Billboards are for highlights and brief messages. However, a school tour is not a billboard. It should be a mirror, reflecting the reality, nuances, and values of the school. Authenticity means showcasing the spaces and programs that you're proud of, but also having candid conversations about areas where your school might differ from the expectations of prospective families.

Answering the Uncomfortable Questions

There will always be questions about services or programs that your school doesn't offer, whether it is in academics, student support, or extracurriculars. It's tempting to skirt around these topics or to promise something for the future, but it's crucial to resist that urge. When faced with such questions, take a moment and provide the most honest response you can. Clarity and transparency in these moments can foster trust. By setting clear boundaries and expectations from the onset, you're building a foundation of trust and understanding.

Benefits of Authenticity

  • Appropriate Expectations: When families know exactly what to expect, they can make informed decisions about whether your school is the right fit for their child. This alignment between expectations and reality reduces the chances of dissatisfaction later. 
  • Strengthened Relationships: Authentic interactions lay the groundwork for genuine relationships. When families feel they are receiving transparent communication, their trust in the school deepens.
  • Focused Student Body: By representing your school accurately, you attract students who are genuinely interested in what you offer and resonate with your school's ethos.

The Retention Connection

A school's ability to follow through on its promises is intrinsically tied to retention. A student who joins a school under accurate pretenses is more likely to be satisfied, thrive, and stay. On the other hand, over-promising and under-delivering can lead to disillusionment, negatively impacting the school's reputation and student retention.

Being transparent and honest during the admission process, especially during school tours, is more than just an ethical stance—it's a strategic one. It ensures that the relationships we forge are based on trust and understanding, allowing for a better fit between the school and its students.

Let's be authentic storytellers of our schools. At the end of the day, it’s the genuine connections and aligned expectations that create lasting relationships.

Claire Vaughn

Claire Vaughn
Head of School
Advent Episcopal School

